Internet Rental Marketing Workshop - Create Listings Like a Pro!
Intellirent returns, just in time for peak rental season!
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (PDT)
via Zoom

Berkeley's rental season is in full swing! If you're not already using Intellirent, our partner product for online applications, screening, and marketing, there's no better time than now to get started.
Our Intellirent experts, Kathleen Castro and Kara Hohne, are back for the second time this year! Last quarter, they walked you through accessing and navigating your single sign-on Agent Dashboard and demonstrated its features. This time, they'll dive deep into marketing!
Get your listings in perfect shape to attract more interest with help from Intellirent! Attendees will walk away from this educational webinar ready to create listings like a pro, with content on:
• Best practices for creating rental listings that convert,
• Insider information on what renters are really looking for,
• How to leverage Intellirent to market your listings efficiently,
• and more!
Have questions? Bring them! Kara and Kathleen are always eager to lend their support.
Save yourself a seat by clicking the Register Now button.
If you missed their last presentation, you can catch it here.

Meet your Presenters:

For More Information:

Berkeley, California 94704
United States 510.525.3666